Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Buh-buh-buh Blackberry Pie!

Whoa - talk about a neglected blog. But, interspace followers, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't really been doing any baking either.

This past Sunday changed all of that when I baked my FIRST pie crust without the helping hands of my mom. A flaky crust, blackberry filling and lots of compliments all around means I guess I did a good job.

The crust was crazy simple, and I only refrigerated it for about two and a half hours (which was almost a little long). I split it apart and used two-thirds of the down for the bottom and one-third for the lattice work on top.

The pie itself was also super easy, and I even used frozen blackberries. I was a little afraid they would be flavorless, but none of my taste testers could even tell :)

This blog might see quite a bit more action in the coming weeks/months as my roommate's friend runs a coffee shop and he's looking for people to bake goodies for customers. But freelancing, nannying, applying for Teach For America and now volunteering for the Sustainable Food Center might be enough for my plate right now.

Happy baking!

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