Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chocolate chip pumpkin muffins

Hello all! This is the first Austin-based post! After taking a month (and change) to settle in, I'm back on the baking bandwagon. What better way to win the hearts (and stomachs) of some co-workers than by bringing in sweet treats?

Pumpkin-inspired deliciousness is the best part of fall, so I was eager to try a new recipe with some old favorites: chocolate and pumpkin (and the organic stuff was cheaper than the regular!).

I stumbled upon this recipe from a blog I've used before, the pioneer woman. She updates more often than me (though I'm going to work on that...) and has some great recipes.

The muffins were just as easy as they sound, and my new roommate's kitchen aid mixer made the job easier than pumpkin pie. One amendment: instead of doing the whole "add half the chocolate chips, then top with the other half" gig, just roll as many chocolate chips as you desire in about a 1/2 a cup of flour. Then dump the lot into a collander or sifter and sift the flour into the trash. Coating any ingredient will prevent it from falling to the bottom of a cake-y creation (muffin, cupcake, cake, etc.).

Oh, and thanks to the new laptop and its webcam(my mac of 5 years had a swift death just 20 minutes before I had to do an interview...), I'll be able to provide more photos!

Happy baking!