Thursday, March 11, 2010

Whipped up in minutes....

I love potlucks. Hosting them, attending them or even just hearing about a great, plentiful potluck makes me happy. Last-minute invites can pose a bit of a problem, but trying to come up with something yummy sans a trip to the store is one of my favorite challenges.

Yesterday my roommates and I were invited to a friend's house for another fantastic feast. And just as I was thinking of when I would make it to the store around my work schedule, I remembered: I have a can of Pillsbury crescent rolls in my fridge! Note: After this little baking success, I will be keeping a can of these on hand like flour and water.

So I thought through my other ingredients and came up with: Mini Apple Turnovers Drizzled with Chocolate. Unfortunately I don't have a photo, but my finger-licking friends can vouch for the deliciousness that were these pastries. I simply chopped up a red apple, then sliced each crescent dough triangle in half. I spread a small amount of butter on the inside of the dough, drop a teaspoon full of chopped apple on it and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. Then I folded the two corners over and followed the baking directions from the can. I let the mini-turnovers cool just a bit, then I drizzled about two or three tablespoons of melted chocolate chips over them. Warm and doughy, with a slight hint of chocolate and a crunch from the apple (not entirely melted)= very good!

This recipe could certainly be altered-- put pretty much ANYTHING inside a crescent roll and you're bound to get compliments.

Happy baking!